From the course: Agile Analysis Weekly Tips

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Leveraging user feedback

Leveraging user feedback

- Many of the Agile teams I work with, they struggle to get regular user feedback on their products. Yet many experts and teams that do get frequent feedback would argue that the shorter the interval between getting real customer feedback on your product, the more successful teams are in delivering products that customers want. How do these teams get shortened feedback intervals and leverage real customer feedback? Well, first, they determine what feedback matters. To do this, we have to look at the metrics that matter to align the feedback that will move the metrics towards the impact and change the product is trying to make for users. Now this is tough. It's easy to be reactive to all the feedback or the most immediate feedback coming our way but that could be a mistake. That's right, you can get a lot of feedback that doesn't matter. Second, we have to validate that the feedback aligns with the outcome and customer-focused metrics to further guide what feedback matters. The outcome…
