From the course: Leading like a Futurist

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Learning break

Learning break

(upbeat electronic music) - I've come to believe that life is filled with offers. I come to this from exploring the discipline of improv, which is something I've been bringing into my work more and more. I've always been fascinated by improv, because they look like they're having so much fun, if you watch an improv comedy team, or a show where you know they don't have a script, but they seem to be making stuff up on the fly, and when it's done well it's like magic. And so I started to take some classes, and I learned that improvisation is actually quite disciplined, that it's really a set of practices around setting your partner up for success, learning how to accept an idea that comes your way, and build on it, and not block it, and it's particularly good for generating new ideas, for saying, "Yes, and," and moving on to something new. A few years ago, I stumbled upon a book that really helped me understand that improv…
