From the course: Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter (Blinkist Summary)

Learn how to unlock your inner superboss

- [Male Announcer] This is an audio course. No need to watch, just listen. - [Female Narrator] Liz Wiseman, "Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter" Most of us know a bad boss when we see one. Why else are movies like Horrible Bosses and TV shows like The Office so popular? But surprisingly few of us have ever worked with, or truly experienced a great boss. That's why Liz Wiseman studied the actions of all different types of bosses and categorized them. In short, a bad boss is a diminisher, in that they deplete your energy and motivation and all other characteristics that make for a good worker. Meanwhile, a good boss is a multiplier. Someone who can make a good employee twice or even a hundred times better than they would be on their own. These blinks, lay out all the effective habits and principles of multipliers by following their lead, you can turn your own workplace into a more productive and healthy environment.
