From the course: Real Estate Contracts

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Layout the closing and occupancy dates and titles

Layout the closing and occupancy dates and titles

From the course: Real Estate Contracts

Layout the closing and occupancy dates and titles

- [Instructor] Section 10 occupancy, possession and closing. Depending on the situation, give yourself at least two weeks to close on the property. Indicate to the seller that you'll be closing as soon as possible. Explain that title issues or other attorney requests may hold up the closing and therefore it's company policy to put down a date at least two weeks away. If the deal is tight and you know that you'll have to work hard to either wholesale it or obtain funding to buy it, push for a closing that is at least 30 days out. The key for this section of the contract is to know your seller's motivation. Choose a closing date that works for you and the seller. This section also outlines your rights to perform a walkthrough inspection before you close and become the new owner. Make sure you take the opportunity to verify that the property is in the condition you expected and that any personal property to be included in the…
