Del curso: Scaling Your Small Business

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Know your brand promise better

Know your brand promise better

Del curso: Scaling Your Small Business

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Know your brand promise better

- As you're growing your business, you may start to realize that there are very specific reasons why people choose you over someone else. But you can always get much better at helping define what that is so you can use it in your core messaging. One of the best ways to do that is to pick out some of your ideal customers, six, eight, 10, and sit down and survey them, interview them, over the phone. Now, you can also use surveys broadly to send out to all of your customers. But I want you to think about really engaging some of your ideal customers, and that's best done over the phone. You want to ask them why they chose you. You want to ask them why they stick with you. You want to ask them what specific problem you solve. And here's a hint: it probably has nothing to do with your product or service specifically. But you have to know the problem that they are actually wanting to solve, and these interviews will oftentimes give you some great themes and hints. You want to know how they…
