From the course: Job Seeker Tips

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Know who's interviewing you

Know who's interviewing you

From the course: Job Seeker Tips

Know who's interviewing you

(rock music) - Showing up prepared for an interview is just a no-brainer. Of course you're gonna prepare. You're gonna study the company, their mission, their offerings, and if you can, their financials. But when you're heading in for an interview, do you also know who you're interviewing with? If not, contact whoever is coordinating this, and just get the down-low. Just ask. By knowing a bit about your interviewer, you can prepare in advance. And this can give you a leg up on your competition. How? Well, for starters, you might find that you both share an interest or have a common connection. Maybe you both volunteer for the same cause, or maybe you were at the same university at the same time. Maybe you both have a commercial pilot's license. Whatever the common bonds, these can be great icebreakers as you get the conversation going. A little research will also help you understand the path that person traveled to get where they are now. Obviously, your interviewer landed a job…
