From the course: Find Your Dream Job: Interview Techniques and Resume Writing

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- Now I mentioned earlier that one of the best indicators of a good potential employee is that they're keen to work for your company. So when you're applying for a job, you've got to show that you're really keen to work for them, even though you might not be. You might just think, "Well, I don't care where I work, I've just got to get a job." But you've got to appear keen to work for that company. And so, when you're writing your CV it's got to be tailored to show that you're keen. But also during the interview, you've got to project keenness to work for that company. It's a big factor. So, how will you show them that you're really keen to get this job? And not just this particular job, but with this particular organization? So one way to do it is research. We've talk about that already. But if you've done some research, you can mention, and it's really important to somehow get that research into your answers.…
