From the course: Career Advice from Some of the Biggest Names in Business

John Foley on getting experience at a great company

From the course: Career Advice from Some of the Biggest Names in Business

John Foley on getting experience at a great company

- Would you talk a little bit about career advice? What do you, when people come to you and they say, "Hey, I want to either start my own company, "or I want to succeed wildly at Peloton," is there something you typically tell them? My biggest advice is to find a category that you enjoy, whether it's real estate, or consumer goods, or retail, or fitness, or fashion, or pick something that you're interested in and go work at a great company. Get five or 10 years of experience understanding the industry from a great platform. The people who say at 22-years-old, "I'm going to go be an entrepreneur," god bless them, good luck to them, but at least for my own children, I'm going to say, "Get some experience "and learn something at a great company "where there's plenty of learning to be had." - When you are hiring, are there skills that you're looking for in particular that you think people don't spend enough time developing? - There is a mantra I heard at one point that I've stuck with is, hire specialists, promote generalists. In order to succeed at Peloton, I look for those people that are the micro leaders, that are carrying the torch on all the agendas I care about, the entrepreneurship, the fun, the supportive great culture, and those are the people that rise up at Peloton I believe.
