From the course: Lean Deep Dive: Job Instruction

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Job breakdown sheet

Job breakdown sheet

(soft music) (whooshing) - Welcome back. In this module, you'll learn about the Job Breakdown Sheet, important steps, key points and reasons for key points. So you'll want to have a blank job breakdown sheet and a how to instruct card ready. If you don't already have these items, please go ahead and pause the video here to retrieve them. Okay, let's get started. Every time we get ready to instruct we should start with the How To instruct card. Go ahead and take a look at the get ready to instruct side of the card. The first point is have a timetable which will be a topic of tomorrow's session. The second point is break down the job. This is what we'll focus on now. And the demonstrations we just saw instructors likely did a pretty good job of following the four steps. However, in most cases, there's opportunity for improvement, specifically in step two present the operation using a breakdown will help clarify the…
