From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader

Joan Kuhl's courageous leadership course

From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader

Joan Kuhl's courageous leadership course

(bright music) - I'm Joan Kuhl, the author of Dig Your Heels In. Navigate Corporate BS and Build A Company You Deserve. I'm a passionate champion for advancing women in the workplace and girls leadership. I spent 14 years in corporate America and I launched my own company six years ago so that I can study the trajectory for women in their career figuring out and uncovering what are those derailers? What are those barriers that are holding her back? So that today, I can offer you the courage and the endurance to believe that you can overcome all of it. Upon completion of this course, you are going to discover your capacity for becoming a courageous leader. You're my fuel and I can't wait to support you and hear more about your journey because I believe, together, we can truly move the needle, but it's all going to be worth it for you to achieve everything that you've ever wanted, and also, to open up the door for generations to come.
