From the course: Computer and Text Neck Stretching Exercises

Introduction to the series

- Hi, I'm Baxter Bell. I'm a medical doctor and a yoga teacher, and this topic that I'm going to introduce you to in this series is for computer neck or text neck. And if you've walked down the street of any city in this country or around the world, you see what happens when we're on our devices. The chest is dropped, the chin is forward, and we're hanging out in this position for a long time a lot of the day. And so, this little series of practices is designed to actually bring you back into a more normal or appropriate posture for your neck and your upper body, so that you can prevent the potentially very damaging results of doing this long-term. There was just a little thing in USA Today that said that if you continue to be in the posture of text neck for a long period of time, you could lose 30% of your respiratory capacity over time. That means having 1/3 of your lungs taken out of your body. This is a big deal, everybody. This little series of practices is designed to really get you back into the proper position. In fact, I've gotten used to walking down the street with my device held up in front of my face. Radical! But it works pretty nicely. Have fun with this series. I hope you enjoy it; thanks.
