From the course: Activate Connections That Will Transform Your Career

Introduction to Adrienne Bankert

- Hey guys, I'm Adrienne Bankert. I'm going to talk to you today about something that I think is more valuable than any amount of money in the world. True connection. Now you all have somebody in your life who says, "I'm a connector." You probably have met them at work or maybe you have a friend. They're the ones who invite people over to their house, they host the dinner party, they're the ones who connect at the networking events, they're the ones who've never met a stranger. Well whether you are a connector or you're somebody who feels that they need to grow in their connections, I'm going to show you today how you can take that to the next level. First, you have to be a champion of true connection. What is a champion? You look at Webster's Dictionary and they say that a champion is somebody who fights for the rights or the cause of another. And so, if you take anything in life and you champion that, that's your fight, that's something that you really believe in, that's something that you promote. I had a woman, a very influential person in my industry, tell me, "I'm a champion for you, always." Well that pretty much settled everything. I knew that she would always have my back, she was partnering with me for my success, and that she would always be there to speak up for me on my behalf. When you champion true connection, you make it a priority in your life, you initiate it, and you help others grow in it and that's what I want to do for you today. One thing that I will tell you is that whether you are looking for better relationships in business, better relationships with your family and friends, or you're trying to find the perfect mentor for your life, this is how you are going to do it. You're going to champion the cause of connection and I'm going to show you how you can be a champion of connection in just five minutes at a time. Wait 'til you hear this. Let's get started.
