From the course: How to Become a Purpose-Driven Journalist

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Intention with an interview

Intention with an interview

- I approach every interview with an intention. What is my intention in this particular interview? If it's 20 minutes with Paul Ryan, I know that he is the Speaker of the House who may have a contentious relationship with President Trump. I have to get in very quickly a lot of policy issues, and I have to be very tight with my questions and make sure that he answers them in a certain way. If I'm speaking with the Dalai Lama, my intention is how can we have a conversation that can enlighten our viewers? That's a different type of interview than an interview with the Speaker of the House, so I try and approach each interview with an intention about not only how I'm going to do that interview, but ultimately, how the viewers are going to take something away, a takeaway from that particular interview.
