From the course: Crafting Dynamic Characters

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Instructor jam: Objectives

Instructor jam: Objectives

- Objectives. So, as a reminder, we are using the character randomizer. You may be bringing your own character to the table. Jessica, do you want to take it away? - Yeah. So we're going deeper into these four foundations of a dynamic character and we're now doing objectives. So we did wounds, we did needs. So again, I have the life coach who has insomnia was my original pairing. I decided that the wound was, in her past was a cult that she escaped from with her brother. And now she's kind of put on this, it's turned into a need to help people, but in order to do that she feels like she has to hide who she was and put on this persona of perfection and having this perfect life and everything together, which she does not. So I thought for an objective, I thought, I wanted to give her something really kind of concrete to be going after. I thought of maybe, there's this kind of elite life coaches retreat, like the top…
