From the course: Effective Listening

Improve your listening skills

From the course: Effective Listening

Improve your listening skills

- Hello and welcome to Effective Listening. I'm Tatiana Kolovou. - And I'm Brenda Bailey-Hughes. We've been teaching communication skills to undergraduates, graduates, and business professionals like you for over 20 years. - That's 40 years combined. - True. And in those 40 years we've come to realize that oftentimes it isn't the talking or the writing that makes someone a truly gifted communicator. - It's the listening. - Exactly. So that means great listening might help you get your dream job, succeed in your dream job, make good impressions on your colleagues, and it can help you be a great leader as you move up. Strong listening has been directly tied to effective leadership. So for any number of reasons, it pays to be a good listener. - So this course is your chance to start working on improving your listening skills. So let's get started.
