From the course: How to Train Your Brain for Maximum Growth

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Improve sleep quality with side-lying

Improve sleep quality with side-lying

- Well tell me, anything else you want to make sure to mention? - I think that another really important area of research from neuroscience is around sleep. And as a neuroscientist, I do find it quite disheartening that there are still high-profile leaders that will say, "I only sleep four or five hours a night," just because of the impact that has on so many other people that feel that maybe they should do the same. There's Nobel Prize-winning research now that shows that there's a specific cleansing system in the brain called the glymphatic system that needs seven to eight hours to work. It needs seven to eight hours uninterrupted overnight. And that goes together with the stat that 98 to 99% of humans need to sleep for seven to nine hours per night. I think we've always wondered, why do we spend so long sleeping and neuroscience really is giving some answers to that. Obviously I've been a junior doctor, I travel a lot so…
