From the course: Establishing Evening Routines to Optimize the Day Ahead

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Hydrate first thing in the morning

Hydrate first thing in the morning

- [Man] All right, well, Jared, tell me anything else you want to make sure to mention. - [Jared] I would encourage your listeners to shower at night instead of in the morning, just because that's going to help you get up faster without having to do the shower. I think so much of this is mental, right? If you feel like you have to get a shower in the morning, like I did for so many years, then you're going to feel like, "I'm groggy, I'm walking into the shower. I'm wiping out my eyes in the shower. I'm going to stay in there for a long time under the water." You just get such a slow start to your day, okay? So take the shower the night before, and if you're going to get in the water during the morning, take a cold shower, like turn the nozzle as cold as it can go. Your mitochondria in your body, your systems, everything wakes up, and the very first thing you guys want to do in the morning is to drink about 32 ounces of…
