From the course: How to Manage Feeling Overwhelmed

How to use this course

From the course: How to Manage Feeling Overwhelmed

How to use this course

- Overwhelm can mean different things to different people, which actually made me feel overwhelmed trying to create this course because I really want it to be as practical and beneficial to you as possible, so I've focused these videos on the first steps that can help to reduce the pressure of overwhelm, so that you can problem-solve more effectively. I think of them as ways to circuit-break stress in the moment. These techniques will help you to prepare your brain to pivot in new ways; however, for some people, a simple pivot is just not enough to feel better. If you've been experiencing overwhelm for a long period of time, let's say consistently feeling it for a few weeks or a few months without relief, then you may be dealing with something more long-term, like anxiety, depression, or burnout. These conditions really require a more more personalized approach with the support of a trained medical professional or counselor. At more serious levels, these mental health conditions can successfully be treated with a variety of interventions, including talk therapy, biofeedback, nutrition support, physical exercise, and medication. It's important to work with a medical professional who can help you to get to the root cause of how you're feeling and then guide you on a path to feeling better. There are some great courses within the LinkedIn Learning Library that will give you some guidance, and you can also find a list of my recommended resources in the exercise files for this course. If you feel that your sense of overwhelm is chronic or more intense, that what might be reasonable in your circumstances, please reach out for professional help by contacting your employee assistance program or talking to your doctor right away. Many of us struggle with mental and emotional challenges, so you should never feel like it's a sign of weakness to reach out for help. In fact, slowing down a little bit to improve your mental health, you'll also be investing in your ability to be productive and to support others at work and at home.
