From the course: Communicating in the Language of Leadership

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How to quiet your thoughts

How to quiet your thoughts

- That idea of chasing a mindset is actually the exact last thing that we need to be doing, especially when the stakes are high. To be at our best, we need to be in the moment and we need to be able to access who we are. And if you think about it, you know, you think about your favorite sports teams, the players that you admire, in any game, whatever that game might be, the people who are at their best, they aren't following the playbook per se. They're reacting in the moment to what's in front of them. And that is something that is a capability that's not reserved for good athletes or extreme surfers off the coast of South Africa. That's something that's inside you and me. And when our thinking quiets down, we have the opportunity to see it. And there's not a six-step process to make your thinking quiet down. It's actually one step. It's simply seeing that your thinking is just there, that your thinking is just thinking.…
