From the course: Seven Streams of Real Estate Income

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How to maximize your tax savings

How to maximize your tax savings

- [Instructor] The fourth item is maximizing tax savings. While technically this is not a revenue stream, don't we all like to save money? So when you are maximizing tax savings, this can create large amounts of savings quickly. Of course, a CPA who's familiar with real estate investing can assist with this. This area is the least understood and most underutilized by real estate investors. Having a good CPA as part of your team is essential. Any fee you pay a CPA most likely will be recouped through the savings that they can maximize for you. They're the ones who know the rules, the regulations, the deductions you can take, how to file best for you so that you're absolutely in compliance but you're taking advantage of the savings that are out there. Be sure to have a CPA who's familiar with real estate on your team. They are an essential team member. Take a look at the training resource called Private Money Investment…
