From the course: Hello Monday

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How to make it as an influencer with Aminatou Sow

How to make it as an influencer with Aminatou Sow

From the course: Hello Monday

How to make it as an influencer with Aminatou Sow

- [Jessi] From the editorial team at LinkedIn, I'm Jessi Hempel and this is Hello Monday, the show where I investigate how we're changing the nature of work and how that work is changing us. Every generation has its own fears about the jobs that could go away. - [Man] By the early 2030s 38% of current jobs in the United States could be automated. - [Man] Experts warn it will destroy some jobs. - [Woman] So far, most of the loss has been in manufacturing jobs, - [Jessi] But for all the anxiety, there are also new kinds of jobs emerging. So this season, we're going to talk to people who have jobs that didn't have and really couldn't have existed before. I'm starting with a job that I've always been curious about the Professional Influencer, athletes and famous people have always made money by wearing certain shoes or promoting certain products on TV. That's not what I'm talking about, I mean, the growing business…
