From the course: Activate Connections That Will Transform Your Career

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How giving unlocks the real you

How giving unlocks the real you

- Here are three ways that you can discover your authentic self and what you're truly passionate about. The first one might surprise you. It's start giving. Maybe one of the best slogans of all time, that it is better to give than to receive, because in giving you do receive. That's the key. If you would actually take the time, your company probably has some type of fundraiser right now being planned, maybe a five or 10K to fundraise for cancer research or stuffing backpacks for students who can't afford school supplies, as you invest in somebody else's project, you are going to learn things about yourself that you didn't know before. In fact, gifts that are on the inside of you, that authentic part of you that maybe, it's like a diamond that's on the inside of you that you have to mine. You're going to see facets of yourself that you hadn't seen before. Other people are going to see you in a different light. And…
