From the course: Job Seeker Tips

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How to evaluate your career pivot idea

How to evaluate your career pivot idea

From the course: Job Seeker Tips

How to evaluate your career pivot idea

(upbeat music) - Are you thinking it's time for a change in your career? Maybe you're under challenged, under paid, or just dying the wake up feeling inspired? Or maybe you already have an idea for something. If you're feeling the itch to pivot where do you begin? Well a lot a people in this boat they don't begin. It's just too overwhelming. Others full-on sprint at it before they've every even through it though. I wouldn't do either. If you're feeling stuck in the wrong career I recommend starting with some good old-fashioned soul searching. Try answering these important questions. Why, what and what's it gonna take? Start with the why. Are you bored, do you have an unfulfilled dream? Are your co-workers jerks? What exactly is fueling this itch for change, and, are you running from something or running to something? (splashing water) Recognizing something is off is important but don't assume a pivot will make everything better. That's called the grass is always greener syndrome…
