From the course: Video Interview Tips

How do you end a video interview strong?

From the course: Video Interview Tips

How do you end a video interview strong?

- You've nailed the setup. Your outfit is a dream. You've done your homework, you've practiced, and when the day comes you've nailed the conversation or, if they were one way questions, you gave it your absolute best shot. Now what? Simple answer, take this baby the distance. Finish strong even if you're completely spent from the effort. There's absolutely no sense in investing all that time and effort just to frizzle out at the end. If it's a two way interview, be sure and ask about next steps at the end of the conversation. What happens from here? What's the timeline? Would they like any follow up information from you that might support their decision making? A lot of people don't ever take this step. Instead, they thank the interviewer, they hang up the call, and they breath a deep sign of relief. Unfortunately, that relief tends to end pretty quickly if they don't hear back from anyone for a few days. Asking about next steps can be an incredible anxiety reliever and also give some cues on when to follow up next. Who among us hasn't been sitting there on pins and needles wondering what's going on or should I call or email that recruiter? If you ask up front, you'll hear something like, "Well, we have two more candidates "and the last one comes in a week from Wednesday. "You should probably hear shortly after that." Great. So if you've not heard anything a week from Friday, that's a darn good time to follow up. And whether it's a one way or a two way interview, get your thank you emails out that day. Not three days later, not never, send a thank you note to every person that you either spoke with or the person who invited you to participate in the recorded interview. And don't just slap these together. Be genuine, specific, and assuming you really want this role after the interview, show interest and enthusiasm in continuing the conversation. I can't overemphasize the importance of thank you notes. If you're in a really tight race, it could literally come down to something as small as this for the person who lands the offer. Let's make sure that person is you.
