From the course: Developer Career Paths and Certifications

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How do you choose what to learn?

How do you choose what to learn?

- When I was in high school, my family moved to a different country about every three years. And that means I got dropped into the middle of a school year often and constantly felt like I was always trying to catch up. That's a little bit like what working in technology feels like; you feel like you're always trying to catch up, and something you learn today might be obsolete by the time you get good at it. So how do you pick which technologies to learn? Here are some tips that have helped me in the past. First, try to work on your own T-shaped knowledge. That means being good at many things and then going deep into something specific and valuable that interests you. Remember that although new libraries are added often, that doesn't mean you have to be an early adopter. Before you jump into a framework, make sure that it's been tried and tested by lots of other people. Play the longer game and try to figure out which…
