From the course: Conquering Writer's Block

How this course works

- Imagine that I have two pills, a blue pill and a red pill. And if you've seen "The Matrix," this metaphor is going to feel familiar. I can offer you either one, and you can take either one. Don't worry; they're just M&Ms. If you take the blue pill, I will teach you a bunch of nifty tricks and hacks on how to defeat your current writing blockage right now and send you on your way. But you will keep coming back. You will keep struggling over and over, and you will continue to struggle with debilitating blockages throughout your entire writing career. If you take the red pill, however, I will teach you how to get rid of writer's block for good. But it will require some extra effort on your part. It requires a deeper dive into your mind to explore what writer's block really is. Basically, if you want to get rid of writer's block forever, you first have to change your mindset, which isn't a quick fix, but it's a lasting fix, which is why I've structured the course like this. The next section is called Unblock Your Mind. This is foundational work we must do is shift your perspective on writer's block. It's a short but essential section to tackle first. So I highly recommend you don't skip it. This mindset shift will set you up to succeed in the subsequent section of the course called Unblock Your Writing. That section will include numerous actionable tricks and strategies that you can employ right away, or at any time you get stuck in the future. These will be the tools that will make up your Prolific Writer's Toolbox. Whenever you feel stuck or blocked or uninspired, you'll simply reach into this toolbox, find the right tool for the job, and there will be one, and out it comes to save the day. Not all of these tools will apply to you right now, or even in the future. I'm simply loading you up with them now so you can easily find the right one when you need it. These tools are easy to implement and can be combined with other tools in the toolbox to tackle whatever problem you find yourself facing at any moment in your current writing project. However, these tools will not work as effectively without first learning the foundational elements laid out in the Unblock Your Mind section, which is why I've placed that section first in the course. Could you simply skip to the Unblock Your Writing section, implement one of the tools I've provided, and go on your merry way? Sure, but I guarantee you the fix won't last. You'll continue to not only struggle but suffer in those struggles unless you do the mindset work first and lay the right foundation for the tools to have a more lasting effect on your writing. So essentially, if you take the blue pill, I will fix your problem. But if you take the red pill, I will fix your mind, and that fix will last you for the rest of your writing career. I used to struggle with writer's block all the time. I got stuck at so many points in my books that they took me forever to finish. I would Google tricks for curing writer's block, and I would find that some seemed to fix the problem, but the fix would only last a day or two, and more problems would arise and more delays would occur. I had several projects that I simply gave up on because I became too stalled to finish. Then I discovered the red pill, the true mindset fix to writer's block. And now, like I said before, I write three to four novels a year, over 300,000 words every single year. Do I still run into obstacles and setbacks and challenges from time to time? Yes, of course. Every writer does. But here's the difference: they don't block me. And they certainly don't delay my writing. I simply pick a tool from the toolbox that I'm going to provide for you, and I keep going. I will teach you how to accomplish this too. Follow this course all the way through in the order I present it, and I will promise you you will come out the other side not only unblocked now, but with the tool set, and most importantly, the mindset, to be unblocked forever. So, there's really only one choice to make, right? Are you ready? Let's unblock your mind.
