From the course: Win New Business by Running Great Client-Facing Meetings

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How to close

How to close

- One way that you do not close when you are in a collaborative and relationship based sales process. One that is part of the influential advisor kind of role, is you don't want to do something like what's called the puppy dog close, oh, just take this puppy dog home with you and if you don't like it, bring it back. Clients are super smart when you're in a trusted advisory role when it's a relationship based sale and when it's commoditized and competitive in the field. Clients have the internet at their disposal. They have a lot of different ways that they can think things through. So closing has to be at a moment in time and in a circumstance where they actually see the value of everything that you're offering and how it satisfies the needs. So to me, the easiest way to close in this situation in a relationship-based interaction is to just keep asking what if anything else? Would you like to ask? And at…
