From the course: How to Project Vocal Confidence

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How to breathe correctly when speaking

How to breathe correctly when speaking

From the course: How to Project Vocal Confidence

How to breathe correctly when speaking

- So I'm intrigued by several of the things you said there in terms of, well, first let's get to the how. So if you breathe right, you're going to address a lot of these on in one fell swoop. So what does breathing right consist of and how do we do it? - That comes from recognizing that as we breathe there's a way that we can breathe that lets us take in a nice whole breath of air and then exhale while speaking on the breath. And it's a difficult concept for a lot of people to think of initially but once they get the hang of it it's essentially exhaling while you're speaking so that your breath projects your words forward as opposed to having them fall back into your throat. And that's a particular technique that I have videos that walk people through. - And okay, interesting. Exhaling while you're speaking. I'm thinking about it right now, oh and as I'm doing it. - You're doing it as well. I can hear it. But a lot of…
