From the course: Becoming a Product Manager: A Complete Guide

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Hooray for free stuff

Hooray for free stuff

(upbeat music) - Hey guys, welcome back. This is not really a real lecture. We just want to talk about all the free stuff that is coming to you from this course, we really worked hard to put together things that would be really valuable to the students that want to become product managers, just want to learn this discipline. We're excited about two main ones, but check out the resource section, whole list of stuff, softwares, free trials, extended trials, resource guides, cheat sheets. We have a lot of stuff in there. Check it out. But the two ones that I want to talk about that you guys can start using immediately are-- it's the Slack chat. - Yeah. So the Slack chat is basically we created a Slack room where, or a Slack group, where you can plug in and you can get into a group of people that have taken this course, or that are actively taking this course, including myself and Evan. So this is a real…
