From the course: Chair Work: Yoga Fitness and Stretching at Your Desk

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Hip stretches

Hip stretches

- Welcome to Desk Yogi, my name is Tasha. And so often we're sitting at our desks and working and our hips get really tight, because we're always facing sort of this forward direction. So just to begin to move and start to release in these areas will make a big difference. So hopefully you'll feel that too. So let's begin. So you're just seated on your chair and you're going to cross your right ankle on top of your left and just bringing your hands on top. One hand onto your, on your ankle and your other hand on top of your knee. And take a breath in. And as you exhale just begin to draw your heart forward, feeling that stretch. Right away you'll start to feel a stretch in your hip. And then inhaling, coming up. Right, and then release that leg and we're just going to continue to drop in deeper and also activate through the legs. After being seated this should feel great and you'll really feel it. So as you come in your butt's going to drop back over your chair and the arms will raise…
