From the course: Redefining Workplace Learning Analytics

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Guidelines on ethical use of learner data

Guidelines on ethical use of learner data

From the course: Redefining Workplace Learning Analytics

Guidelines on ethical use of learner data

- There's no doubt, no doubt, that data ethics is the most important topic to consider in learning analytics. But the challenge is that while everybody knows it's important, not enough organizations are putting ethical guidelines in place. If you're in a process of putting together some ethical guidelines, here's something I recommend. First of all, data ownership and control needs to be made explicit. It is usually assumed that organizations own the data they collect, but for personal and sensitive data, learners should have some say about the following. Which data can be collected, how their data can be used, who's able to access it, and finally, for what purposes? One way to address data ownership might be that organizations are only able to store data under certain conditions, such as first anonymizing the data and for a specific periods of time. Then, you will need to clarify who has access to the data…
