From the course: How to Have Compassionate Presence

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Guided practice: Preparing for meaningful connection

Guided practice: Preparing for meaningful connection

From the course: How to Have Compassionate Presence

Guided practice: Preparing for meaningful connection

- [Instructor] Let's begin by dropping your attention to your heart, to your physical heart. You might do this by placing a hand on your heart or sensing the movement of your breath around your heart. And now we're going to imagine that we could relocate our sense organs to the physical heart. Begin by imagining that you could drop your eyes to your heart, to your heart space. Just imagine what it would be like to relocate your eyes to your heart, and then imagine closing the eyes at your heart and then opening the eyes at your heart. What would that feel like? Now imagine what would it be like to drop your nose to your heart, your nostrils to your heart space and imagine or sense that you could inhale and exhale through the heart. And now imagine, what if you could move your ears to the side of your heart, where the lungs are and you might even have the sense that you are somehow breathing through the ears at the side of…
