From the course: Financial Adulting

Getting the most out of this course

From the course: Financial Adulting

Getting the most out of this course

- All right, so let's jump in. First, we need to understand that your mind is powerful. It can make you rich or poor depending on how you use it. So our goal is to take the powerful tool that is your mind and use it to help you get control of your finances and really become a financial adult. Now, the only way this is going to happen is if you watch all of the videos and you actually do all the worksheets because you're only going to get out what you put in. And we're going to have so many cool tips and tools and worksheets in this program. But they will all be worthless if you don't take the time to fill them out and really put them to work in your life. So make sure that you watch all the videos and do all the worksheets. Look, you took this course for a reason. You want a stress-free financial life. You want control and ultimately you want freedom. So don't just start this program and not finish. And honestly, we do that so often in our lives. We start something but we don't finish it. And really, I'm no different. But think how much better your life would be if you finished everything you started. So make it your mission to be a finisher this time. No matter what happens, decide you're going to finish this course. And really, that decision alone can change your life because you'll be ready to take on life and you'll really become a finisher. Okay, so let's get into the meat of this program. What are we going to cover? Well, we're going to cover so many things. We're going to cover debt, how it affects your life and how to get rid of it forever. We're going to talk about your cashflow, how to automate your finances so you don't have to worry about it every single month. We'll talk about investment vehicles, 401ks and Roth IRAs, and really which ones you should have right now. And we'll also go over insurance and how so many people get sold things they don't need. And I'm super-excited to expose some lies in insurance. We're also going to talk about your credit score. Look, we all have a credit score. It affects us. So let's learn what it means, how we can use it, and how we can boost it to make your life so much better. We're going to have a bonus too, which is going to be a decision matrix. And my brother Micah is actually going to walk you through how to make big decisions like buying a house or a car. We'll learn the logical way to think through life's big decisions so we're not constantly overwhelmed by all the choices. And throughout this program, really we're going to simplify the complex and to give you tools so you don't go through life stressed out and anxious. We don't want that for you. We want so much more. Okay, so let's get to some action steps. First, I want you to write out a future you. Who do you want to become by the time you finish this course? What do you want to learn? Make sure you write down at least three things for who you want to become and what you want to know by the end of this program. This step is so important because it will be the reason why you become a finisher and really change the course of your life.
