From the course: Leading with Kindness and Strength

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Four tips to pay it forward

Four tips to pay it forward

- So this brings us to our last practice. For me, a big part of being kind is paying it forward and being responsible for others, which really brings us back full circle to empathy. One of the misconceptions about paying it forward is that you have to be well into your career in order to do that, and that's actually not true. I'm going to share with you some things that you can do, again, whether you're brand new in your career or a seasoned manager. The first is encouraging others to speak up. So we talked a lot earlier on about the importance of having a voice and speaking up. If you're somebody who doesn't have an issue with this, if you're confident and you're gregarious and you have a lot to say in meetings, look around the room. If there's somebody who's quiet, is there a way that you can draw them out? Is there a way that you can be helpful to them to make sure that their point of view and that their opinion is being heard? The second is to be an accountability buddy. Going…
