From the course: Introduction to Focused Breathing Meditation

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Focused breathing meditation

Focused breathing meditation

- [Narrator] To begin your meditation, make sure you're in a posture that is stable and comfortable and at ease. If you're in a chair, let your feet be flat on the floor on a cushion or a bench. Sit upright with a sense of dignity and graciousness. You see it like the Buddha under your own tree of enlightenment. Let your hands rest easily. Allow your eyes to close gently. First, sense your own body here and now and consciously soften any obvious tension. Let the eyes and face be soft. Let the jaw loosen. If you like, you can roll your head in a circle to release your neck and let it find a simple, upright. Let your shoulders drop and your arms and hands rest easily. Feel your seat on the earth: buttocks legs, feet and notice how the earth completely supports you. How you can let go and sit on the earth with presence and dignity fully supported. Let the belly be soft and the breath natural. And let the heart be soft…
