From the course: Getting PR Placements

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Find what makes you stand out to help you excel

From the course: Getting PR Placements

Find what makes you stand out to help you excel

- What is your secret sauce? What is it that you're giving to people that's so different from everybody else? Because there are a lot of experts that don't have the credibility. How are you going to go out there and stand out with your credibility? What problems are you solving for your audience? And how are you helping people? Number two, understand people don't buy what you do. They buy why you do it. So think about that. You have to know why you're doing this and you have to embody your why. Why are you helping people? What's so amazing about your expertise that is helping so many people solve what problem? Number three, get authentic about why you're doing it and what you're doing it for. So embody all of that. And that goes into number four. Number four, I always feel like you should employ a grassroots marketing approach and embrace your community. Because the community is also the media. You should start…
