From the course: Activate Connections That Will Transform Your Career

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Find clarity for your mind and vision

Find clarity for your mind and vision

- Another way that you can discover your authentic self is to get quiet. Now some people would rather go through shock therapy than actually be quiet, and be still, and listen to that little voice inside of them. So, really what you want to do is you want to turn off your phone and you just want to sit, be still. Maybe you do need to go to the park, maybe you need to go to another environment outside of your house, maybe your house is too distracting because you'll get into the fridge and eat everything. But my point is that you want to sit still, you want to unplug from any technology, and you want to just be quiet. There's no big complicated rule here of, "Oh, well, do I meditate? "What do I here for?" It's not about that. I think that a lot of times we try to complicate the process. But if you want to, take a journal, write down what you maybe have come up from the inside of you, but what it's really doing…
