From the course: Own Your Voice: Improve Presentations and Executive Presence

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- In this lesson, we're going to talk about fillers. Fillers can creep in when we haven't fully formed a relationship to exactly what we want to say or to our thought. Fillers can also happen based on the environment we grew up in. We can be influenced by how our friends and family speak, and be using them completely subconsciously. Eliminating fillers when speaking takes time. Be patient with yourself. Examples of fillers include um, uh, like, sort of. As in the previous lesson, I'll give you an example of two phrases. One employing fillers and one not. (upbeat music) I'd like to meet at 12:00 p.m. after the morning meeting. (upbeat music) Or, I um, was just, could we meet at 12:00 p.m. after the morning meeting? (upbeat music) Which did you feel was more assertive, and aptly got my point across? (upbeat music)
