From the course: Crafting Dynamic Characters

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Exercise: What can you do for me?

Exercise: What can you do for me?

From the course: Crafting Dynamic Characters

Exercise: What can you do for me?

- In this exercise, we'll be practicing revealing our protagonist through other characters. We wanted to have a little fun for our last exercise of this section, so we are going to be using the Writing Mastery Randomizer to generate some protagonists for you to practice with. All of the details of this exercise can also be found in the handout called What Can You Do for Me? For the first half of the exercise, the Randomizer is going to pair you up with a random protagonist and a random objective. Remember, this is something the character wants. For example, you might get a kindergarten teacher as your protagonist and wants to own an independent bookstore as their objective. Then you'll brainstorm the first two types of other characters for this protagonist, a character who supports the protagonist and a character who opposes the protagonist. So for our kindergarten teacher who wants to own an independent bookstore, we…
