From the course: Crafting Dynamic Characters

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Exercise: Meet your protagonist

Exercise: Meet your protagonist

From the course: Crafting Dynamic Characters

Exercise: Meet your protagonist

- As we begin our character development process you have two options. You can use a character you already have in mind, like from a current work in progress, or perhaps character that's been lingering in the back of your mind for awhile, and you want to flesh them out more. Or, you can use what we're going to call a practice protagonist. The practice protagonist option is great if you don't yet have a character to work with, or you want to practice the skills of this section on a new character before applying them to your work in progress. Practicing on a brand new character, who you have less invested in personally and creatively, can be extremely beneficial as it will help you isolate and master the skills first before you apply them to the characters near and dear to your heart. Whichever route you choose, we're going to be using a handout called the dynamic character worksheet, which is included with this…
