From the course: Becoming a Product Manager: A Complete Guide

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Evaluating results and learning from them

Evaluating results and learning from them

- Hey guys, welcome back to the course, I hope you didn't run out of gas in the section because knowing how to design and put together an effective MVP experiment is going to be crucial to being a successful product manager. As a product manager, you're going to hear the term MVP, and you're going to be expected to follow roughly the same process that we followed in the section. Coming up with an idea designing an experiment, setting up your expectations. And then running a test is how product managers decide what to add and what to go forward with. It's your flashlight in the dark, so to speak. When you run your experiment and gather your data, you're going to then take what you have and compare it to your minimum criteria for success. If it passes your bar. Congratulations. If it doesn't, then you need to see if you can figure out why it didn't work. Regardless of whether it worked or it didn't work. This is the time to…
