From the course: How to Motivate Yourself to Do What’s Most Important

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Enlisting others' support

Enlisting others' support

- [Instructor] Accomplishing what's most important is a lot like the rest of life. Sometimes it takes a village. You'll have a lot more stamina to persevere if you can enlist the support of others. So here are two useful ways to do it. First, you can make a commitment, publicly or privately, to other people about what you're going to get done. Whether it's a desire to please them or simply not embarrass yourself, having an accountability partner can be transformative. It's like hiring a personal trainer. You might not go to the gym on your own, but you don't want to let someone else down. If you really want to up the stakes, you can even back your commitment with a financial pledge. For instance, on the website, that's, you can pledge money to an anti-charity, meaning that if you fail to finish something you've committed to, you have to donate money to a cause you hate. That'll get you pretty…
