From the course: The Surprising Power of Seeing People as People

Employees often choose appreciation over compensation

From the course: The Surprising Power of Seeing People as People

Employees often choose appreciation over compensation

- In a way, it's massively efficient if it's like, we're lookin' for leverage approaches to getting solutions. We could hire the consultants or we could hire a manager who does nothing but get to know people for a month. And sounds like odds are strong, you may come away with a bigger ROI on that month there than you would with the consultants or other solution finding approach. - Yeah, HG is convinced that their financial success is largely due to this willingness to invest initially. Like I said, so many people want to come in, snap their fingers, make a bunch of changes in the first 30 days, you know, first 100 days. In fact, I met a woman who had worked for a different company doing exactly that, going in to facilities, she had 100 days to turn 'em around and make them profitable and she was a powerhouse. She was so fierce, you know. And she did that and made a ton of money, but she heard about HG and their way of doing thing and got hired on with them, but the reason she made the switch was because she would go to these big meetings with the executives at the previous company, and she had made them millions of dollars. She was so good. She had made them tons of money. Not one of them knew her name. Not one of them. And over at HG, they all did. Even the executives made sure to get to know people and meet them. It's a top-down all the way thing. And there you go, right, she was making tons of money, more money than they could afford to pay her at this other company. She left and they got her skills because she would rather be in an environment where she was valued.
