From the course: Get Unstuck: Make a Plan to Move Your Career Forward

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Empathize with key stakeholders

Empathize with key stakeholders

- It's one thing to know who has power at work. But it's another thing altogether to understand how those powerful people feel. When advocating for yourself at work, you've got to understand the hopes and the fears of your colleagues around you. I'll give you an example. A former client of mine, Mary, who works for a tech company, found herself feeling underutilized and a little bored at work. She knew she had greater leadership potential, but wasn't sure how to go about landing the promotion she wanted. Her boss, on the other hand, had already successfully navigated a few promotions herself and had grown her power and influence and the number of projects that her and her team were taking on. Mary wanted to do the same and frankly was a little envious of her boss's ability to navigate the workplace politics. So instead of tiptoeing around the issue, Mary directly enlisted the support of her boss. But when asking for…
