From the course: Bored and Brilliant (Blinkist Summary)

Embrace the benefits of boredom

- [Announcer] This is an audio course. No need to watch, just listen. - [Narrator] Manoush Zomorodi, Bored and Brilliant, how spacing out can unlock your most productive and creative self. When was the last time you came up with a great idea? Did it hit you when you were reading Twitter or group texting some friends? Or maybe that genius thought struck you during a two-hour session of YouTube binge watching. No? Well, if you, like the author, realized that the last time you had a brilliant thought was the last time you were bored, whether you were taking a long aimless walk or an extended shower, you're not alone. In fact, our brains need boredom in order to get truly creative. So how can you unplug from all the digital distractions and benefit from that rare human emotion of boredom? These blinks show you the way. They explain how boredom fuels creativity and gives you some pointers for improving your digital habits. Finally, you'll be given a challenge that'll help you unplug entirely, at least for a little while.
