From the course: Better Wrist and Elbow Health

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Dynamic wrist movement

Dynamic wrist movement

- Hi, I'm Baxter, and we're going to do some playful wrist movements today. So I'm going to invite you to come out of your chair and stand off to the side of your work area. And let's go ahead and bring the arms up in front of us. And we're going to move the hands around. We're going to do some circular movements in one direction a couple times. And I like to do series of these. So I'm going to do like six of these in one direction. And then stop and go the other way. And just as you're doing that, notice sensations that come up, notice how it feels. And then after you've done that about six times, let your arms come down for a moment and shake your arms out, give 'em a good shake. So from there, we're going to go ahead and we're going to bring the arms back up and we're going to do a little bit what I call hypnotist hands. So as if you were trying to hypnotize your coworkers, the whole world, whoever you think you need to…
