From the course: Access Quick Tips

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Drawing straight lines

Drawing straight lines

- [Instructor] Many forms and reports you build in Access can benefit from the use of a straight line to separate records on a report or to delineate sections on a form. Drawing a line is simple. Just use the line tool on the Design tab. It's found in the controls group, though it's not a control at all. It just draws a line. Now most of the time, you want to draw a straight line and many users struggle with how to do that. The trick is to hold the Shift key as you drag to draw the line. I'm going to draw the line here to separate the records when we run this report. If you release the Shift key too soon or forget to use it, the line will not be straight. If that happens, don't redraw it, just select the line and then on the property sheets All tab, set the height to zero. Now you have a straight line, and that's all there is to it.
