From the course: Turning Your Communication Talents into a Career

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Don't be afraid to apologize or fail

Don't be afraid to apologize or fail

I think no matter how earlier you are on in your career, mid-career, there could be somebody who's had a long and storied career, remembering to be vulnerable, remembering to that everyone makes mistakes and also, remembering the power of an apology is just so important to a relationship. We're out there doing the best that we can every day, but there are times where we're going to get it wrong, and being able to take a step back instead of thinking I had to win that point, going in and sort of saying to that other person, "You know what, I apologize," and letting them see that and then being able to move on. So the idea of apologizing is part of a larger way of thinking, which really encompasses vulnerability, being a bit humble, being able to let people see your flaws sometimes. All of this makes us real. It makes us who we are, and that makes you be the kind of person that other people want to be around, want to…
