From the course: The Employee's Guide to Sustainability

Doing more good together

- We have just explored a lot of sustainable actions we can take in our homes and workplaces, from electrifying everything, commuting sustainably, reducing food waste, to finding ways to connect with nature, there are so many practices we can take to do more good in the world. Your next opportunity is to share what you learned and what you're doing with your colleagues, friends, and family. When we talk about the sustainable steps, we are taking ourselves, we strengthen our communities and inspire others to also take action. Sustainability isn't always top of mind for people, so the simple act of sharing your experience might inspire them to take the next step on their sustainability journey, increasing your collective impact on the well-being of people but the planet. The resources we discussed in this course are available for you to download from the exercise files. There are tools for people at all different places along their sustainability journey. Can you host a lunch and learn at work to start taking actions alongside your colleagues? Can your next team building experience take place in nature or at a cultural institution like a science or natural history museum, accredited zoo or aquarium to connect people with nature? Your leadership might be the momentum needed to shift your workplace culture towards a more sustainable future. I know this can be overwhelming but remember that we are all in this together. Every action, big or small, makes a difference. I like to remind myself that we are living during an incredible moment in human history. As the people fortunate enough to live on this planet right now, it's up to us to write the next chapter of life on Earth. What do we want our future to look like? How are we going to get there? Let's get creative and collaborative and start shaping the future that will help both people and the planet thrive together.
