From the course: Managing Self-Doubt to Tackle Bigger Challenges

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Distinguish between two kinds of fear

Distinguish between two kinds of fear

- [Interviewer] I'd like to zoom in, sort of in the heat of battle, you're trying to do some bigger things and tell us, what are the particular fears that arise and your pro tips for responding to them? - [Interviewee] Well, I'll share a little bit about how I look at fear. I'm drawing here on two terms that are actually Old Testament, ancient Hebrew terms. These are two words that are used in the Old Testament to describe types of fear. So the first word is pachad and pachad is defined as the fear of projected things or imagined things. So this is when we imagine the worst case scenario of what could happen. It's when we project the movie of how things might play out. And most of the fear that you and I and our friends and colleagues experience on a day to day basis is this, right? We are imagining a potential outcome and feeling afraid. It's an anticipatory feeling. It is not usually about what's happening right now,…
